The Health District maintains records of existing on-site sewage systems for your convenience. To assist in this process, please have your address and/or your parcel ID number available.
Every owner of an on-site sewage system needs to know where their on-site sewage system is located in order to properly maintain it. Pumpers may charge you extra to locate and/or dig up the lids to the septic tank so that they are able to pump the septic tank. If you do not know where your system is located, you may be able to obtain this information from our offices. This document is called an "as-built," and it is a drawing of the location of your system when it was inspected by our office.
Below is an example of an as-built:

You may request a copy of your as-built by coming into our offices, or calling us at 509.460.4205. Regardless of the method you use to request this document, you will need to provide the following information:
- Name of property owners(s):
- Tax Parcel ID#:
- Physical address of the system or road name*:
*If your address was once a "route #, box #" please include the roads/streets that the property is located on and by. For example, "the property is on 30th Avenue between Spruce and Verbena."
- Requestor Name:
- Requestor phone number: (So we can call you if there is a question or need for more information.)
- How would you like to receive your "as-built":
- Mail? Please list your mailing address.
- I will pick it up.
- Email
You can submit a question HERE under the "Septic and Property Information" drop down. FORM WILL BE SUBMITTED TO THE LAND USE, WASTE, & WATER DEPT. (509.460.4205)
NOTE: Before 1975, permits were not required by law. If your system was installed before 1975, no records may be available.
If your system was installed before 1975 and no records are available, here are some tips to help you locate your system:
- The average size of a 1000 gallon tank is 5'x8'.
- Most tanks are covered by 12 to 18" of soil.
- Tanks installed after 1976 are two compartment tanks and both compartments will need to be pumped out.
- The lids on the tank are circular, 20"-24" in diameter and 5'-5 ½' apart.
- You may be able to use a metal detector to help you locate the tanks as they are made of concrete with rebar, and the handles on the lids are usually made of metal wire.