The Health District's Food Safety Program works with local food businesses, state and federal government regulators, and our community to reduce the rate of foodborne illness in our region.

he Food Safety Program oversees plan reviews, inspections, complaints and foodborne illness outbreaks in food establishments like restaurants, grocery stores, convenience stores, schools and more. The Food Program also regulates school safety in K-12 schools, and provides education to reduce the risk of illness and injury from poisons, animal-borne diseases, and other unsafe conditions in our environment. For information on services, or general questions, contact one of our skilled Environmental Health Professionals today.

For Consumers: 

Support our efforts to enhance food safety in our community by taking our quick survey: 
Click here to take the Food Safety Consumer Survey

For Establishment Owners and Employees:
If you are a food establishment owners or employee: Your insights are essential to improving food safety. Please take our survey and help us enhance industry practices.
Click here to take the Food Safety Industry Survey

Food Safety Resources
Recalls & Advisories

Food Safety Newsletters

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For any questions on the Food Safety pages please fill out and submit the form below. To make a complaint or share a compliment Click

Food Safety

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