Board of Health Expansion Update:
New non-elected members appointed, biographies coming soon....


Benton-Franklin Health District’s Board of Health is a unified governing body representing both Benton and Franklin Counties that promotes the betterment of public health; supervises all matters pertaining to the preservation of the life and health of the community; promotes uniform health policy; and makes possible through invitation of active participation to all agencies interested in public health.

New Membership Application -  The new member application period closed at the end of 10.31.2022.

In the meantime, below is information you can read about our Board of Health Restructuring process as we work towards expanding our local board of health.

Board of Health Restructuring:
With the passing of Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill 1152 in 2021, required four primary changes to local boards of health:
  1. There must be an equal number of elected to nonelected members.

  2. The American Indian Health Commission (AIHC) must select one nonelected member.

  3. The remaining nonelected members must be recruited and selected by the Health District Board from the following three categories: Public health, health care facilities, and providers; consumers of public health; and other community stakeholders; and

  4. The nonelected members would have voting power on all matters except those pertaining to setting or modifying permit, licensing, and application fees.
The Benton-Franklin Health District Board of Health sees the expansion of the local governing board, which is currently made up of six county commissioners from both Benton and Franklin counties as an opportunity to bring to the table additional members with a public health or health care mindset.

At the direction of the Board of Health, an "1152 Committee" was created to assist the Board in implementing the changes made by the legislature. The 1152 Committee is made up of one Commissioner from each county, and key staff within the agency.

Along with legal counsel guidance, the Committee is responsible for assisting the Board of Health by providing recommendations to changes in Bylaws, drafting and developing of recruitment processes, and seeking legal clarity where needed. All activities performed by the 1152 Committee are taken back to the full Board of Health as recommendations. There, the full Board of Health during regular or special meetings may choose to accept, modify, redirect, or reject recommendations made by the Committee.

For more information or updates on membership and the restructuring work of the local Board of Health, check back here or at one of our upcoming Board of Health meetings.