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Vision Statement

The Benton-Franklin Food Access and Security Coalition envisions a community where every individual in Benton and Franklin counties enjoys consistent access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food, promoting an active and healthy lifestyle.

Our Mission

Our mission is to make nutritious food more accessible to everyone in Benton and Franklin County by working together on practical solutions that strengthen local food systems and meet community needs.

Who We Are

Our coalition brings together individuals and organizations from diverse sectors, including public health, healthcare, education, food aid providers, transportation, restaurants, extension services, grant funders, career development, senior care, and more.

Meeting Information

This coalition meets on the third Monday of the last month of each quarter, from 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM. Location varies by quarter. 

Get Involved

Whether you're a community member looking to engage, a representative of an organization, or an expert in a related field, your voice and ideas are crucial in shaping a healthier, more food-secure community.

Please use the sidebar to submit questions, share feedback, or express interest in joining our coalition. You can also reach us directly at 509-405-4663

Submit a Question

For any questions on Food Access & Security please fill out and  submit the form below. To make a complaint or share a compliment Click


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