Health Equity and Access Team

The Health Equity and Access Team (HEAT) aims to improve health equity and access to care for all people in Benton and Franklin Counties by developing and promoting health policy recommendations that facilitate the reduction of health disparities and the achievement of optimal health.

HEAT strives to unite community members, public agencies, community organizations and private agencies as a diverse group of stakeholders in a collective effort to:
  • Utilize data compilations and sharing to identify, prioritize and make recommendations to support, and strengthen access to health services that are affordable and equitable.
  • Promote, build, and sustain a diverse, inclusive, and thriving healthcare workforce equipped to advance health equity for patients, community, and staff, and recruit and increase interest in the healthcare field.
  • Improve access to quality healthcare among vulnerable populations.
  • Address root causes of inequities by utilizing evidence-based practices.
  • Reduce the proportion of people who can’t get the medical care they need when they need it.

The HEAT goals align with the Benton and Franklin Counties Community Health Implementation Plan (CHIP) identified by the Benton and Franklin Counties Community Assessment. 

Priorities identified in the 2023-2025 CHIP that align with the efforts of the HEAT are:

Access to Health:

  • Goal 1: Individuals and families have access to comprehensive, high-quality health care services in Benton and Franklin Counties.
  • Goal 2: Individuals and families in our communities have access to the support they need to work, learn, and live sustainably.

Community Partnership Development:

  • Objective 2.3: Inform community action with the best available data to measure progress and focus community attention on key issues.


We believe all residents of Benton and Franklin Counties deserve full and equitable access to opportunities and care that enable them to lead healthy lives.


To collaborate to identify and implement innovative solutions to support local systems’ efforts towards achieving high-quality, equitable care for all.


HEAT meets on the first Friday of the month from 8:30-9:30 AM via Teams.

We invite you to connect with us! Use the sidebar to ask questions, provide feedback, or express your interest in joining HEAT.

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Health Equity & Access

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