If you are interested in reading online inspection reports completed by our office, click the link at the bottom of this section.

This website is designed to provide public information on food establishment inspections in the Benton-Franklin Health District. Reports on this website are currently available from January 2019.

Please be advised that the results of all inspections posted on this website describe what the Environmental Health Specialist observed at the time of inspection. The website is not intended to guarantee the conditions of a food establishment at all times and is not intended to endorse any food establishment or its products.

Although extended effort is made to ensure that the information on this site is updated accurately and on a timely basis, the Benton-Franklin Health District does not guarantee that all information is accurate, complete, or current at all times. Complete inspection reports may be viewed in the Environmental Health office at 7102 W. Okanogan Pl. in Kennewick, Washington.

Our food inspection reporting process adheres to strict state guidelines and is designed to ensure accuracy. Reports are typically completed by midweek, with the latest release being Thursday night due to the meticulous nature of our data entry. (On rare occasions the latest time inspections are post is Friday afternoon, but we do our best to prevent that.)

If you have any questions regarding a report, please call the Environmental Health office at 590-460-4205 Monday-Friday between 8:00 a.m. – noon and 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.

I have read and understand the above. Click here to search inspection reports