Community Health Assessment (CHA)

BFHD participates in a collaborative process known as the Community Health Assessment (CHA), which identifies community-wide health priorities in partnership with local hospitals, community organizations, and members. 

This assessment is essential for maintaining our national accreditation as a public health agency.

Tax-exempt hospitals are required to conduct a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) every three years. At BFHD, we work closely with our local hospital partners to coordinate our Community Health Assessment (CHA) with their CHNA. This collaboration ensures a unified approach in identifying community health priorities and enables us to collectively address needs effectively. By combining our efforts and resources, we amplify the impact of our initiatives to better serve the community.

The CHA serves as a comprehensive document that outlines community needs, strengths, and resources. It informs the development of our Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP), which focuses on evidence-based strategies to address disparities, improve health outcomes, and remove barriers to achieving health and well-being.

2022 CHNA Inputs:

Behavioral Health:
