National Nutrition Month
Posted on 03/21/2025

March is National Nutrition Month, and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has declared this year’s theme, Food Connects Us. 

Food connects us from farm to table. Let’s start with where it came from and grows today. 

Here in Washington, we love our apples, and we grow a lot of them — 10 to 12 billion each year, to be precise! But did you know that apples originally came from Kazakhstan, a country in Central Asia and Eastern Europe? In fact, there are no apples native to North America except crabapples. Fortunately, the cool waters and volcanic soil of the Columbia Basin make for excellent apple-growing conditions. This means your next bite of a crisp, juicy apple connects you to Washington’s geological history as well as places and people on the other side of the world! 


 Hood River 

While apples may be the most famous food grown in Washington, they are far from the only one. Agriculture is an important industry in Benton and Franklin counties. Other foods grown right here include wheat, potatoes, asparagus, carrots, green peas, onions, sweet corn, blueberries, pears, and cherries. Next time you shop for food, try picking up one (or more) of these foods and taking a moment to appreciate the hard work your neighbors put into growing it! 


Speaking of neighbors, spring is a great time to connect with them and other friends and family! Plan a picnic for a warmer day at a nearby park and bring food for all to share. Try sharing a family recipe or tasting a new food or dish together. You never know what your next favorite might be, and you can create lasting memories with friends new and old! 


Let us know how food connects you to others on social media! Tag the Benton Franklin Health District on Instagram, Facebook or X and use the hashtag #NationalNutritionMonth.