With the Governor Inslee’s
Stay Home, Stay Healthy proclamation to prevent the spread of COVID-19, kids of all ages will be home for longer periods of time. Young children ages 1-5 have lots of energy and are full of curiosity, but sometimes we find them getting into things they shouldn’t.
Whether you’re a parent working from home or a family member, friend, or neighbor helping with childcare, here are 3 tips to keep young kids safe in your home.
Store household cleaning products safely to prevent poisoning and save the Poison Help number in your phone: 1-800-222-1222. We’re all bringing additional hand sanitizers, cleaning and disinfectant products into the home. Young kids are often eye-level with items on tables and under the kitchen and bathroom sinks, so remember to keep these products in their original containers, out of children’s reach and sight.
Keep all medicine out of reach and sight, even medicine you take every day. This is the time of year when there is already more flu and cold medicine in the home. Curious kids can easily get into things, like medicine and vitamins kept in purses, on counters and nightstands.
Separate toys by age. As friends and neighbors pitch in to help with childcare, take a moment to separate toys by age and keep a special eye on small game pieces and button batteries that may be a hazard for young children.
For more information, check out our new
Stay Safe at Home graphic, a
home safety checklist, or visit