Overdose deaths are one of the nation’s most pressing public health epidemics. There are ways that we can work together as a community to save lives, but first, we have to understand the need. Benton-Franklin Health District (BFHD) has been tracking drug overdose deaths in our community through the Overdose Data Power BI Dashboard.
Benton and Franklin Counties Data Results:
- In 2020, the Construction, Trade and Labor Industry saw a 100% increase in overdose deaths and has maintained the highest incidence of overdose deaths of any occupation since 2016.
- There was a 300% increase in overdose deaths among Food Service Workers in 2020.
- 2020 saw a more than a 100% increase in opioid overdose deaths compared to 2019.
Every year on August 31st, International Overdose Awareness Day (IOAD), local communities in Washington State and worldwide come together to remember those who have died or suffered permanent injury due to a drug overdose. This is also the time to raise awareness and spread the hope of recovery and ways to prevent overdose deaths.
There is a way that everyone can help save a life through a legal medicine known as naloxone (commonly called Narcan). Naloxone is a medication that may stop an opioid overdose, including those caused by fentanyl. With a statewide standing order, Washington residents can get naloxone at pharmacies across the state without a prescription.
To make it easier for residents in our community to access local resources and find naloxone, Benton-Franklin Health District created a campaign and launched a new website, www.CarryASecondChance.com. This website combines critical information into one location on where to access naloxone, how to use it to save life and where someone struggling with addiction can reach out for help.
BFHD is encouraging employers to add naloxone to their first aid kits. And then train employees to recognize the signs of an overdose and learn how to administer naloxone. The Washington State Good Samaritan Law protects anyone when administering naloxone.
The Good Samaritan Law in Washington states,” If you seek medical assistance in a drug-related overdose, you cannot be prosecuted for drug possession. The overdose victim is also protected from drug possession charges. Anyone in WA State who might have or witness an opioid overdose is allowed to carry and administer naloxone.”
BFHD can provide employers with stickers that have a QR code to place on their first aid kits that directs them straight to instructions on administering naloxone. There are posters/flyers for facilities available in both English and Spanish.
LINK: BFHD Overdose Prevention Flyer English and Spanish - 8X10.pdf