Daily Activity and Healthy Aging
Looking to enhance your well-being and age gracefully? Discover how simple daily activities and a balanced diet can transform your health! Embrace whole foods like fruits, veggies, and lean proteins, and stay hydrated to fuel your body. You don't need a gym membership to stay fit—integrate physical activity into your routine with tasks like walking, gardening, and household chores. Inspired by the Blue Zones Study, see how active daily habits can lead to a longer, healthier life. Learn about "exercise snacks," short bursts of activity that fit into any schedule, and consult with healthcare providers for personalized advice. Join us on a journey to make small, impactful changes that promote a more active, fulfilling life. Start today and feel the difference!
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Staying Safe During Extreme Heat and Wildfire Smoke: Tips for Pregnant People and Infants
As temperatures rise and wildfires increase, pregnant individuals and families with infants need to take extra precautions. Stay informed by monitoring weather and air quality reports and signing up for local emergency alerts. Stay hydrated, avoid strenuous activities during peak heat, and keep indoor air clean with air conditioners and purifiers. Protect infants by keeping them indoors during poor air quality and ensuring their sleeping area is cool. Consult healthcare providers about heat and smoke exposure and seek medical attention for concerning symptoms. Prioritizing safety and preparedness helps families navigate extreme heat and wildfire smoke more effectively.
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Understanding Hepatitis: Symptoms, Transmission, and Prevention
May is Hepatitis Awareness Month, culminating in National Hepatitis Testing Day on May 19. Hepatitis, inflammation of the liver, can be infectious (through viruses A, B, C, D, and E) or non-infectious (autoimmune, alcohol-related, or medication-induced). Symptoms include nausea, lack of appetite, yellowing of eyes, abdominal pain, dark urine, and weakness. Hepatitis A spreads through contaminated food/water and close contact, while Hepatitis B spreads through blood, sexual contact, and mother-to-child transmission. Hepatitis C also spreads through blood, often linked to injection drug use. Vaccines are available for Hepatitis A and B, but not for Hepatitis C; however, effective treatments like Direct Acting Antivirals (DAAs) exist. National Hepatitis Testing Day encourages testing for Hepatitis B and C, crucial for understanding one's hepatitis status and seeking appropriate care.
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Resources for Supporting Children Through Traumatic Events
Navigating the aftermath of traumatic events can be challenging, especially for children who often need extra support to cope with their emotions. As parents and caregivers, knowing where to find help is crucial.
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Poison Prevention: Keep your family safe
Ingestion or inhalation of substances or chemicals commonly found within or nearby the home can result in life-threatening exposure.
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Tips to Reduce Hospital Readmission and Improve Recovery
Tips to Reduce Hospital Readmission and Improve Recovery
Discharge from a hospital stay marks a crucial stage in recovery, with post-hospitalization activities significantly influencing short- and long-term health outcomes. Whether returning home or to an alternate recovery setting, careful planning and preparation can prevent hospital readmission and foster an optimal environment for healing, emphasizing the importance of implementing wellness-promoting strategies during this phase.
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Blog Thumbnail - There is no substitute for blood
There is No Substitute for Blood
On January 7th, 2024, The Red Cross declared a nationwide blood shortage, with the Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Pampee Young, highlighting the critical situation where hospitals are facing empty blood refrigerators despite having a full load of patients. The shortage is attributed to a significant decline in blood donors over the past two decades, with a 40% drop in donations through the Red Cross. Despite the decrease in donors, the demand for blood remains constant, with someone needing lifesaving blood every two seconds in the U.S. Winter months exacerbate the problem, as disruptions to donations are common due to weather and seasonal illnesses, with a notable shortfall of 7,000 units during the recent holiday period.
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Blog thumbnail HOPE
HOPE: Shifting Narratives through Positive Childhood Experiences
The HOPE (Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences) initiative seeks to reframe the discussion around childhood experiences by emphasizing Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs) as crucial for mitigating toxic stress and fostering resilience in children and youth.
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CHIP: The Roadmap to a Healthier Tomorrow
Join us on a journey where we dig into the details of how BFHD works to make our community healthier
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Blog thumbnail for hand foot mouth news blog
Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease as the School Year Carries On
Sniffles and coughs are very common and find good company with other common skin infections. One of these skin infections is known as Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD). Though it has an intimidating name, it is much more common than many realize.
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Winter Weather Preparedness
As Thanksgiving approaches, winter is near, bringing cold temperatures and the onset of winter weather in the region. This season poses increased risks such as car accidents, hypothermia, frostbite, carbon monoxide poisoning, and heart attacks due to overexertion. Being aware of community resources and taking essential precautions can better prepare you and your family for the challenges of cold weather.
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Wild to Mild
Protect Against Winter Respiratory Infections
As winter approaches, the risk of respiratory infections like RSV, Influenza (Flu), and COVID-19 increases due to the colder weather. To protect yourself and your family, it's crucial to get vaccinated. It's recommended to do so now, as it takes about two weeks for the vaccines to build immunity and offer effective protection.
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Halloween Safety Tips For the Whole Family
Our Safe Kids Benton-Franklin team has a list of safety tips for our cute ghosts and goblins this Halloween.
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How to Dispose of Medications Safely
Learn how to keep your community and environment safe by disposing of unwanted medications properly.
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Falls Prevention Awareness Week
We can mitigate fall risk throughout the year to build strength and resilience within a comfortable and safe environment.
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Disposing of Household Hazardous Waste
Many of us may not realize that some of our household items are considered hazardous waste.
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Hot Playgrounds and Children's Safety
It's essential to understand how rising temperatures can impact children's safety on playgrounds.
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International Overdose Awareness Day
We are joining a global movement for understanding, compassion, and change.
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Alcohol's Impact on Healthy Aging
Weighing the risks and benefits of consuming alcoholic beverages varies for each individual.
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Nurturing Bonds: National Breastfeeding Month
There are several health benefits of breastfeeding and many ways that communities can support mothers.
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Children & Youth with Special Health Care Needs
The Children and Youth with Special Healthcare Needs program helps to address complex care issues to improve the health and well-being of children from birth to 18 years old who have or are suspected of having chronic conditions, delays, or disabilities.
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Back-to-School Routine: Immunizations
You might be wondering, "Why are these shots so crucial?" Well, let's dive in and explore the significance of immunizations in giving your child a healthy and happy start to the school year!
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Healthy Hydration Tips
Your body needs more water when outside temperatures are higher, you are more physically active, you are sick, or you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
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A Splash of Safety this Summer
Never take your eyes off children in the water – not even for a minute! Parents may think they'll hear splashing and screaming when a child is in trouble, but it usually happens quickly and silently when a child drowns.
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Battling the Buzz: Preventing West Nile Virus
West Nile virus primarily causes infections in birds but can spread to people and other animals through mosquito bites.
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Everything You Need to Know About Grill Safety
July is the peak month for grill fires, but the good news is that these fires can be prevented.
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Sparking a Safety Conversation around Campfires and Fireworks
Fortunately, being safe is easy while handling fireworks or enjoying a campfire. Here are a few tips to help you stay safe this summer.
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How to Prepare for Wildfire Smoke
Breathing clean air reduces your risk of stroke, heart disease, and lung cancer and lessens chronic and acute respiratory illnesses like asthma.
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How to Avoid Toxic Algae
Summer is here for Benton and Franklin counties, which means that it's time to be on the lookout for harmful algae and cyanobacteria, also commonly referred to as toxic algae or blue-green algae.
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Spring Cleaning Tips for Safe and Healthy Aging
Decluttering can be a great place to start working. Identify an easily accessible, designated place for each item in the vicinity it will be used. Establishing a place where items are kept helps prevent rummaging around to find reading glasses or the remote control.
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Prepare for the heat this weekend
You can prepare for the heat this weekend by knowing if you or your loved ones are more sensitive to heat, paying attention to any signs that you are overheating, and being careful around cold water.
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HOPE Week Helping Families Thrive
The HOPE framework focuses on the need to actively promote positive childhood experiences and community environments that contribute to healthy development and well-being, as well as prevent or mitigate the effect of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and other negative environmental influences.
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Playground Safety Tips
A safe playground encourages children to be physically active and engage in outdoor play, which is essential for their physical and mental well-being. However, it is important to help children have a safe experience playing outside and prevent serious injuries on the playground.
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Anyone with signs of moderate or severe TBI should never be left alone and should receive medical attention right away. Call 9-1-1.
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Awareness Month
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Awareness Month, recognized in March, as the weather warms up and children start to spend more time outdoors this is a great time to review all the safety tips to prevent TBIs.
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Title page for thumbnail video says "PREVENT HOUSEHOLD POISONINGS" in large yellow letters above a graphic showing a countertop laden with chemical cleaners, Draino, pills, etc
Prevent Household Poisonings
Poisoning is the third leading cause of unintentional injury death among children ages 1 to 19 years. In 2021, Poison Help responded to more than 2 million human exposure cases; on average, receiving an exposure case every 15 seconds. Some of the leading exposure substance categories included cleaning supplies and cosmetic/personal care products - all of which are common household items.
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Norovirus: What is it? How does it spread?
Norovirus is a very contagious virus commonly referred to as "food poisoning," the "stomach bug," or the "stomach flu." The norovirus infection causes gastroenteritis (inflammation of the stomach and intestines), which can lead to diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain and sometimes fevers.
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Tips for National Senior Independence Month
What a great time to explore ways to celebrate independence while also planning to create and maintain a safe environment for the years ahead.
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Winter Sports: Prevent Traumatic Brain Injuries
A traumatic brain injury is a type of brain injury resulting from a sudden trauma that causes injury to the brain. For example, during skiing, if someone were to collide with a tree and hit their head at full-on impact, that could cause them to develop traumatic brain injury.
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Christmas Lights: 12 Tips of Safety
Here are a few safety reminders to keep you and your family safe this holiday. When you leave Christmas lights on for too long, they can become hot, creating a potential fire hazard.
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Prevent Exposure to Bird Flu (Low Risk to Public)
With avian influenza (bird flu) in the news again, many people may wonder if it is safe to consume eggs and poultry products. The answer is yes; it is safe to eat poultry and eggs only if they properly handled and thoroughly cooked.
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How to Monitor Temperatures and Reduce Fevers
Tips to reduce fevers without medications and take an accurate temperature. Fevers are a very common sign that you are sick; it's also how your body fights against infections.
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Respiratory infections on the rise; keep your family safe
In Benton and Franklin Counties, the rise in RSV cases has contributed to an increase in emergency room visits. The CDC reports a higher-than-expected number and more severe cases of RSV this fall.
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Staying Safe as the Weather Turns Cold
Prepare for winter storms before they arrive. Cold and dangers weather can increase the risk of car accidents, hypothermia, frostbite, carbon monoxide poisoning, and heart attacks from overexertion so it's important to be as prepared as possible.
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Shine a Green Light on National Injury Prevention Day
Unintentional injuries are the leading cause of death for people ages one to 44 in the United States. Injuries include traffic crashes and drowning, and intentional injuries involve violence inflicted on others as well as oneself.
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Chickenpox: What Parents Should Know
Local schools are reporting a small number of chicken pox in the last few weeks. Chickenpox is a common childhood illness that is highly contagious and continues to circulate among young children from time to time
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Halloween Safety Tips
With the reduced visibility around popular trick-or-treating, it is essential to review a few safety tips to keep your family, neighbors, and all the pint-size ghouls and goblins safe.
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Celebrating Children's Environmental Health Day
It is our duty to protect and nurture our children’s physical, mental, and social well-being, and a large part of this is making sure that all children have access to clean air, clean water, safe food and products, stable climates, and healthy places to live, learn, and play.
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Preparing for a Rough Flu Season
This year, based on the rise in flu cases in the southern hemisphere, this year’s flu season in the U.S. may look more like those of pre-pandemic years.
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BFHD Expands School Environmental Health & Safety Program
The long-term goal of BFHD’s new program is to implement routine inspections in all Benton and Franklin County schools.
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September is Healthy Aging Month
September is National Healthy Aging month. This is an annual opportunity to raise awareness of the health, well-being, and positive aspects of growing older.
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Celebrate World Breastfeeding Week August 1-7
It takes a village to raise a child. Parents face a multitude of challenges in providing the best care for their child during the prenatal, labor, and delivery, as well as postnatal periods. Ongoing care for the child is also vital in ensuring both mothers and babies are properly supported.
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Source: CDC
Monkeypox: What is it? How does it spread?
Monkeypox cases are on the rise in the United States and in Washington State. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data, the first case of monkeypox in Washington State was confirmed on May 27, 2022.
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Hepatitis: What to know
The most common types of hepatitis are hepatitis A, hepatitis B and hepatitis C. The last two types of hepatitis (B and C) are the leading causes of liver cancer in the United States.
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Mental Health Awareness and Resources
You may not need the info now but Mental Health Month gives us all the opportunity to find out about the services and supports are available during a crisis. So you can be prepared if you ever need it.
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NPHW Workforce
More than half of America’s public health workers report at least one symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new survey of nearly 45,000 employees in state and local government public health departments.
Smiling, multi-generational family eating nighttime meal together
Planning ahead for a safe holiday season
What makes this year's festivities different? We learned a lot of things from the winter celebrations of 2020, a lot of what works, plus some that doesn't.
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U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
More than clocks
Carbon monoxide is called the invisible killer, because you cannot see or smell it. Carbon monoxide poisoning can come from portable generators, home heating systems and other CO-producing appliances. The majority of CO deaths occur in the colder months of the year between November and February.
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Safety Tips for Back to School
The beginning of the school year can be overwhelming and exciting at the same time, both for kids and parents. As we all continue to keep ourselves as safe as possible during the pandemic, let’s not forget to remain vigilant in our efforts to stay safe while heading to and from school.
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A New Focus on Mental Health Awareness
The Benton-Franklin Health District Board of Health has proclaimed May as Mental Health Month in Benton & Franklin Counties.
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Homebound and waiting for COVID vaccine?
What programs are in the works? Benton-Franklin Health District (BFHD) is working hard to connect resources and get vaccines in the arms of homebound individuals and folks in independent senior living.
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Vaccines work, they just take time
Vaccines work, they just take time
You've probably heard the experts claiming the COVID-19 vaccines are up to 95% effective, which has been documented in trials. However, simply getting the shot isn't going to lead to immediate immunity at that level.
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Washington's roadmap to recovery by region
Washington's New Roadmap to Recovery
Healthy Washington—Roadmap to Recovery is a regional approach that replaces the county-specific Safe Start plan. Regions will work together to ensure our residents are healthy and safe as we look towards easing restrictions on activities by phases dependent upon their transmission risk.
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Traveling during COVID-19
Holiday travel is at its peak. Here is what you need to know if you plan to travel this holiday season.
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Give the gift of another year this holiday season
By celebrating safely and protecting our vulnerable community, we give them the gift of health and another holiday seasonn next year.
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Give Thanks by Protecting Your Loved Ones
The holidays will look different this year, but there's no better way to give thanks than to protect the ones you love.
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Fall Pumpkins
Tips to Have a Fun and Safe Halloween
Halloween kicks off our fall and winter holidays. The Health District has some tips and tricks to enjoying the holiday more safely.
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BFHD Recommends Hybrid Learning
Health Officer Dr. Amy Person has recommended that local schools prepare to implement hybrid learning.
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Labor Day = Labor of Love
A summer like no other is drawing to a close.
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Contact Tracing Returns to BFHD
Contact tracing is an essential tool in reducing the spread of COVID-19 in our community.
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Long-Term Care Visitation Dos and Don'ts
Long-term care facilities can offer visitation options for their residents.
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COVID-19: 6-Month Timeline
August 4th marks 6-months of Benton-Franklin Health District Response to COVID-19
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What Will Schools Look Like in The Fall?
Schools across the state are facing immensely difficult decisions about how to teach students during COVID-19 pandemic.
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Modified Phase 1 -- What Does It Mean?
We're in Modified Phase 1, but what exactly does that mean?
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Safe and Happy 4th of July
Have a Happy and Safe 4th of July
Benton and Franklin County are in Phase 1 of the state’s Safe Start Recovery Plan. While we’ll have to skip the big Fourth of July celebrations this year, we encourage people to come up with creative ways to connect socially.
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Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3...
Testing capacity in our area has increased.
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Spread Compassion, Not COVID-19
One way to reduce transmission of COVID-19 is through the use of face coverings.
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Moving the Dial Towards Recovery
We all play a part in moving our community forward towards recovery.
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BFHD Collaborates with Long Term Care
BFHD has worked closely with Long Term Care facilities to reduce the spread of COVID-19 to our most vulnerable community members
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Celebrating Mom While Staying Home and Healthy
Mother's Day 2020 might look a little different from other years. Here are some creative ideas for celebrating Mom while staying home and staying safely.
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Keep the Farmers Market Safe & Healthy
Farmers Markets Opening Soon
Shopping at the Farmers Market will be different this year
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Antibody Testing
The news is full of reports about antibody testing for COVID-19, but will it tell you everything you're hoping to know?
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Stay Safe While Grocery Shopping
Like many everyday activities, grocery shopping is different during a pandemic.
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Stay Home, Stay Healthy, Stay the Course
Physical distancing is working, but that doesn't mean people should relax and start going out. It's more important than ever to stay home, stay healthy, and stay the course.
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Investigative Process
Tracking Down COVID-19
Disease investigation is a lot like detective work. We need to look at many pieces to complete the puzzle and identify people who are ill. How are you, when did you get it, who did you give it to?
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Help for Domestic Violence Victims
As family pressures mount because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Stay Home, Stay Healthy order, domestic violence calls increase. Resources are still available for victims of domestic violence.
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Compassion Fatigue: Tips for Self-Care
Helping others can get overwhelming. Use these tips to understand what compassion fatigue is and how to manage it.
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Face Coverings
Stay in Place, Maintain your Space, Cover your Face
Benton-Franklin Health District is recommending that all individuals cover their noses and mouths any time they leave home for essential needs
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COVID-19 Long Term Care Team
Our Long Term Care Team is vital for an Emergency Response Investigation like COVID-19, particularly when trying to safe guard some of our most vulnerable, high-risk population groups.
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Food Safety is Ongoing
BFHD's Food Safety Program continues to monitor and work with food establishments to ensure the safety of food takeout and delivery.
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Home Safety
Stay Safe While at Home
Whether you’re a parent working from home or a family member, friend, or neighbor helping with childcare, here are some tips to keep young kids safe in your home.
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Stay Home Stay Healthy
Stay Home Stay Healthy
“Some of us will be able to help others in need and some of us will need help.”
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BFHD Seeks Volunteers - UPDATED
Benton-Franklin Health District is calling for health care volunteers to assist in the COVID-19 outbreak.
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Social Distancing Doesn't Mean Social Isolation
Social distancing doesn’t have to mean social isolation. BFHD encourages you to Safely Connect.
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BFHD Plans to Alter Service Delivery - Update
Social distancing slows the spread of COVID-19. The health of our community and our staff are our top priorities. Everyone in Benton and Franklin Counties should be practicing social distancing during the COVID-19 outbreak.
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BFHD Announces New Cases of COVID-19 & I.M.T. Support
Benton-Franklin Health District (BFHD) was notified today that two more local residents have tested positive for COVID-19.
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